Allegheny B&B – February 2010 Meeting

Bagels and Bytes in February 2010Our first meeting of 2010 was held at the charming Amani International Coffee House on the North Side.  We had no pre-selected topic, but most of the discussion went around the theme of social media.

Here are the various resources discussed during this month’s meeting:

Fundraising and Social Media

After our meeting, Randy sent me an email pointing out this article in PopCity this week:  What Pittsburgh Needs: Says You.  Randy states “assuming that PopCity has some blog-like characteristics, this is a story about people’s responses and ideas regarding an article the author wrote about what pittsburgh needs.  It’s not too hard to imagine how this might translate into the nonprofit world and interaction with their various audiences.  Kind of like an electronic focus group.”

Regarding social media, the type of nonprofit you are may dictate what social media tools you use as well as how you use them.  Social media is great for telling your organization’s story.  We used to have to wait for the mass media to notice us in order to publish – that’s no longer the case.

Even though most social media tools are free, there is an investment in time that must be considered.  It is best to have a strategy in place before going all out with social media.  Remember that all good strategic plans include an evaluation phase and a social media plan should also have this piece.

Other tools and resources:

Our next meeting will be held at Amani International Coffee House on the North Side, on March 3, 2010. Please note that we are now holding our meeting from 8:30 – 10 am each month.